From Amen! Prayers for Families With Children by Kathleen Finley:
On a Fall Day
God of all the colors of the rainbow,
thank you for this amazing fall day
when the leaves are bright with hues
that will soon fade as winter comes near.
You made these leaves for us to enjoy,
to give us shade in summer
and now to see in a whole new way
as they begin to fall and die.
Their dying now will make room
for new life next spring,
just as when we die to the selfishness inside
we make more room for your new life in us.
You made each one of us
as different as each of these leaves,
each very special to you.
Help us to see your love in many ways all around us
and to enjoy this colorful time of year.
"Very truly, I tell you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains just a single grain; but if it dies, it bears much fruit." John 12:24
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