From 101 Ways to Happiness: Nourishing Body, Mind & Soul by Mitch Finley (Liguori Publications):
The Emptiness Only God and Others Can Fill
The truth is that humans come into this world with an emptiness that only the God who is Love can fill, a thirst or hunger that only the God who is Love can satisfy. The insight that Christianity contributes is that our relationship with God cannot be separated from our relationships with one another. So. . .happiness depends upon cultivating a healthy relationship with our Creator, who is Love, and with our fellow human beings, especially our families and those with whom we live and work most closely on a day-to-day basis. To carry the Christian insight yet another step, our relationships with one another cannot be separated from our relationship with the earth itself. So any happiness we experience depends upon cultivating loving intimacy with God, with our fellow humans, and with the earth.
If you would like to learn more about this book, or purchase a copy, click here: 101 Ways to Happiness