From The Liturgy of Motherhood: Moments of Grace (Sheed & Ward) by Kathleen Finley:
The days of the Easter Triduum -- Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday -- put us at the heart of the paschal mystery, the dying and rising of Jesus -- and the dying and rising to which we are all called, every day. The Jesuit theologian Karl Rahner called this experience "dying in installments."
As mothers we are called to die and rise in so many ways; to set aside most of our expectations for our children, to love them even while not liking their choices -- or even our children themselves, at times -- to serve in many ways that may never be noticed or appreciated, and to let go in countless ways. Mothers experience plenty of dying, and hopefully, also see the rising of new possibilities in themselves and in their children -- even in the very dying to which they are called.
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