From You Are My Beloved: Meditations On God's Steadfast Love (Resurrection Press):
For as the loincloth clings to one's loins, so I made the whole house of Israel and the whole house of Judah cling to me, says the LORD. . . (Jeremiah 13:11)
Who says God does not smile?
Who says the Bible has no sense of humor?
Translate "loincloth" into modern terms,
and you get underpants.
Hilarity in the extreme.
You want to know how close I am to you? says the LORD.
I am as close to you as your underpants.
Ha! Knock yourself out laughing,
laughing with joy and relief.
God's loving presence is
as close as your Fruit of the Looms,
as close as your b.v.d.'s,
as close as your panties,
as close as your skivvies,
as close as your undies.
Laugh out loud,
tears streaming down your cheeks,
it is soooo funny!
God's love
is as close to you
as your underpants.
Fall down on the floor
with joy and gratitude,
that God would love you so,
so much that right there in the Bible
Jeremiah declares that God's love
clings to you like your unmentionables.
Think about that when you
get dressed in the morning.
If you would like to learn more about this book, or purchase a copy, click here: You Are My Beloved.