Saturday, November 7, 2009

Finley Book of the Month for November 2009

From the Introduction to Whispers of God's Love: Touching the Lives of Loved Ones After Death (Liguori Publications) by Mitch Finley:

Experiences of the personal presence of deceased relatives and/or friends, are more common than one might think. In 1984, 1988, and 1989, in its General Social Survey, the University of Chicago's National Opinion Research Center (NORC) asked a representative sampling of the U. S. population: "How often have you felt as though you were really in touch with someone who died?" Affirmative responses came from 42% of those asked who were not widowed and 53% of those widowed. Among teenagers, 38% reported being in touch with someone who died. (See Religion as Poetry, by Andrew M. Greeley [Transaction Publishers, 1995], especially Chapter 12, "Religious Stories and Contact With the Dead.")

To learn more about this book, or to order a copy, click here: Whispers of God's Love.