From The Joy of Being Catholic: A Resounding Affirmation of Our Faith by Mitch Finley (Crossroad Publishing Co.):
Catholic joy comes, in part, from being able to relate to the Divine Mystery through an almost embarrassing wealth of metaphors, all of which are true, yet none of which say it all. God is Creator. God is Father or Loving Papa. God is Aroused Lover, and God is Compassionate Friend. Catholic poet Francis Thompson called God “the hound of Heaven,” who pursues us “down the nights and down the days.” And he was right.
Catholic joy comes from knowing that in the long run and the short run there is no need to be afraid or anxious because no matter what happens, good or bad, God’s love for us is absolutely reliable, more trustworthy than the best things that can happen to us, more powerful than the worst things than can happen to us. Even death.
If you would like to learn more about this book, or purchase a copy, click here: The Joy of Being Catholic