From The Corporal & Spiritual Works of Mercy by Mitch Finley (Liguori Publications):
. . .it is important to notice that the corporal and spiritual works of mercy are deeply rooted in Scripture and Sacred Tradition. As we get into our discussion of each of the works of mercy, these connections will become clear. To turn our attention to these two traditional lists of ways to be merciful is to zero in on the heart and soul of a practical Christian spirituality and way of life. This is a spirituality for regular folks who live in the real, everyday world. It's a spirituality and a practical program of faith for the home and the workplace and all the ordinary places in-between that we all inhabit on a daily basis. It's a nitty-gritty spirituality, and there is nothing ethereal about it. So, spiritually speaking, pull on your bib overalls, strap on your boots, and don your construction site helmet, because we're about to explore Catholic spirituality as it take shape in its most knockabout ways.
To learn more about this book, or to order a copy, click here: Works of Mercy
If you don't yet have a copy of Mitch's little Lenten classic, Season of New Beginnings, click here to learn more or order a copy: Season