From Season of Promises by Mitch Finley (Wipf & Stock):
We alerted you to this book last year, but just in case you didn't get your copy in time for Advent 2010, we thought we'd do so again:
Advent is a lonely step-child of a season; it does not get the respect it deserves. Too often Advent gets lost in our wild dash toward Christmas. But look. Advent is the season of promises, filled with spiritual riches for those ready to accept its blessings. Advent is a season of promises.http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif
In his song, "The Boxer," singer-song writer Paul Simon croons about "a pocket full of mumbles, such are promises." But not in this case. Advent is loaded with promises for a future we already have. It's a mystical season, full of promises already kept, promises from God to be Emmanuel, "God with us," always. Always. No pocket full of mumbles here. Only promises fulfilled, promises kept.
To learn more about this book, or to order a copy, click here: Season of Promises