From Prayer for People Who Think Too Much by Mitch Finley (Skylight Paths):
Before we continue, I want to lay my own cards on the table. I am an active Roman Catholic, and happily so. While this might sound odd, because I am Catholic I consider myself uniquely qualified to write a book that draws on many religious traditions for wisdom and guidance. For the term "catholic" means "universal" or "all-inclusive," and Catholicism, the religion, is open to whatever is good, true, and beautiful regardless of its source. As a Catholic, in other words, I try to be catholic, with a lower case "c." I try to approach the experience of prayer and spirituality not just with my mind but with my heart, as well. I invite you to do the same.
I suggest that we acknowledge that prayer and spirituality constitute a mystery. This simply means that when we pray, we intentionally, consciously relate ourselves to God, the Divine Mystery, the Great Cosmic Presence, the Ground of All Being. Whatever. This means we must be willing to live with Someone or Something we will never understand–which is not such a startling remark since we can say the same for any human being we have ever known, including ourselves. Are you not a mystery to yourself? I thought so.
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