From Season of New Beginnings: Praying Through Lent with Saint Augustine of Hippo, Dorothy Day, Vincent van Gogh, Saint Teresa of Avila, John Henry Newman, Flannery O'Connor, by Mitch Finley (Resurrection Press):
Lent hits us right between the eyes with ashes on Ash Wednesday. Then day after day, for forty days, it whispers in our heart. Lent whispers: "Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return." It whispers, "Repent and believe in the gospel." It whispers, "Do grow up, oh small of heart, small of spirit." It whispers, "God loves you with an infinite, unconditional love, a love so high you can't get over it, so wide you can't get around it, so low you can't get under it . . ."
Lent whispers and whispers, and so. . .we need some quiet times if we want to hear what it says. We need five or ten minutes in each of Lent's forty days when we do nothing but attend to what Lent may whisper in our heart. That's the purpose of [Season of New Beginnings]. Think of it as a spiritual compass, something to give you some direction for a few minutes in each of Lent's forty days. Or, if you prefer, think of this small book as a literary sparkplug, something to keep the spirit of Lent alive for you one day at a time.
If you would like to learn more about this book, or purchase a copy, click here: Season of New Beginnings
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