From The Patron Saints Handbook by Mitch Finley (The Word Among Us Press):
The book you hold in your hands is jam-packed with the stories of patron saints. The material is organized alphabetically according to subject, so you can look up a particular patron saint easily. If you want to know the patron saint of animals, locate "Animals" and there you will find the saint's name followed by a summary story of his or her life. Some patron saints may surprise you. Did you know that there is a patron saint for divorce. "Divorce " appears in alphabetical order, too. There are far more patron saints than this book could include, of course, so at the end of the book you'll find a list of other resources you may consult to find a patron saint that didn't make the cut for this volume.
As you read or browse through this book, keep in mind that the saints you read about were flesh-and-blood people just like us. Unlike us, however, they now enjoy what we experience only partially and imperfectly, that is, loving intimacy with the God whom Dante, in his Divine Comedy, called "the Love that moves the sun and the other stars." At the same time, the very idea of patron saints takes for granted that the saints know what goes on in this world, and in our lives, and they care for us and pray for us when we ask them to do so. How delightful is that!
To learn more about this book, or to order a copy, click here: Patron Saints Handbook
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