From The Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit by Mitch Finley (Liguori Publications):
. . .we might want to give some thought to this "Holy Spirit" business.
If you have ever witnessed the birth of a child or the death of someone you love--if you have ever known the deep goodness of shared physical pleasure in a loving, lasting marriage--if you have ever been touched by the words of Scripture--or if a liturgy ever nourished you in places you had forgotten you had--if the words of a friend were ever just the words you needed most to hear--if you have ever felt deeply at peace for no apparent reason--if you have ever vented your anger directly to God and been relieved and a little surprised at how right it felt--if you have ever been able to pray when prayer seemed impossible--then you might want to learn more about the Holy Spirit.
To learn more about this book, or to order a copy, click here: Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit
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